Deposed Kano Emir Speaks, Goes Spiritual



Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, the dethroned 15th Emir of Kano went spiritual in his first public speech on Saturday, praying for God to bless Kano with responsible and just leaders as he appealed for calm.

He said justice will soon take its course on the recent developments in Kano State.

Speaking in Hausa, Bayero said,“We call on the authority to do justice in this matter. Kano is a very influential state in Nigeria. Whatever affects Kano affects Nigeria. May peace reign in Kano;

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“We pray for Allah to bless Kano with responsible and just leaders. Justice is the way to go on every issue. There will be justice. Nobody is above the law; we will accept whatever the law says. I appreciate all the people who have shown concern.

“Justice will take its course. We will keep on praying for peace in Kano State. May Allah the Almighty protect us.”

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“I call on the people to remain law-abiding while awaiting the outcome of the legal process in this tussle.

He spoke at his mini-palace as he awaits the resolution of the legal proceedings concerning the dispute over the Emir of Kano’s throne.

Earlier on Friday, the State governor, Alhaji Abba Yusuf had issued a letter to a former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, appointing him the 16th Emir of Kano.

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The Commissioner of police and heads of security agencies in the State however said Alhaji Bayero remained the Emir of Kano following a Federal High Court order.

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