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HomePublic SphereOPINION: Delta 2023: Towards Achieving The Ijaw Dream

OPINION: Delta 2023: Towards Achieving The Ijaw Dream

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By Harrison Akamule

The Ijaws have been at the forefront in Delta State since the wake of this political dispensation in 1998. Everyone who has occupied the highest political position in the state has benefited from the bulk votes raked in from the riverine where the Ijaw are domiciled.

Dating back to when Chief James Onanefe Ibori emerged as Governor of Delta State, the leading role played by  Senator James Manager is fresh in the mind. As pioneer chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Manager worked tirelessly across political borders to galvanize the Ijaws to ensure hundred percent support for Chief James Ibori.

Needless to say therefore, that the Ijaws have never had to think twice before throwing their weight behind anyone that emerged governorship candidate on the PDP platform because they don’t play politics of deception or polarization.

Now the bells for who occupies the loftiest position in Delta state come 2023 has long been rung, summoning interested persons, tribes and climes to the field of play. At this juncture, we are led to the common saying: “one good turn deserves another”.

On the premise of the wholehearted involvement and support of the Ijaws for who rules the state since 1999, is it not apposite for the Ijaws to be considered? Will it be too much for a people whose unity of vote casts have been the lever that swung the political pendulum to favour all past governors in the state? From the foregoing, the time has finally come for the Ijaws to eat the fruit of their labour come 2023 by being overwhelmingly supported to emerge governor.

However, the unity of the Ijaws is key if we must produce the next governor . A house divided cannot stand in the face of opposition. We must therefore not allow external forces or personal ambitions ruin our chances of taking over the seat of authority. 

The interest of the Ijaw extraction in Delta State must supersede that of personal or sectional interests. We must sternly guide against the invasion of our unity by external political gladiators.

We must allow the golden rule of love and forgiveness to rule our hearts. The devilish thought of, “if not me no one else” must be starved to death in our political hearts because if it is allowed to survive, it will spell doom for our collective interest come 2023.
Governorship aspirants should be courageous enough to take a step toward settling political differences between them and those in their political families who were not sure of what they had done to them.

On this note the elders must quickly rise to the occasion by summoning a round table discussion to create a melting point for all aspirants of Ijaw extraction. Fairness, equity and moral justice must not be sacrificed if we must arrive at a consensus and promising candidate and final victory. The issues of clan, dialect and geographical proximity must not dominate the discussions but objectivity and reality as regards the political arena.

It is when we integrate our interests into a single vision that our 2023 dream can become a reality. Remember, Boboyelayefa! There is nothing as good as your own.

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